Are you looking for technical support?
For technical support please select from following options. For the imprint, please scroll down.
Customer Service by Phone
We provide telephone support on a case-by-case basis.
Please use the contact form for customer service for the respective product (see above) first. It makes sure that we receive all essential information and allow us to quickly forward the request to the appropriate person. Since we always need your license key, a dictation over the phone would be unnecessarily slow and error-prone. Furthermore, you and we keep track of any information that may have been exchanged so far, which would be lost in a phone call. In addition, another employee does not know what you have talked about so far. Please understand that we keep unauthorized support inquiries by phone very short. We do not do this to annoy you, but to ensure that we can be reached quickly. Thank you for your understanding.
Support for our Freeware?
We kindly ask for your understanding that customer support for our software, which is created with high development costs, is reserved for paying users. We recommend that freeware users read the manual and the FAQ, which answers frequently asked questions. Thank you for your understanding.
This contact information is solely for legal purposes.
Please do not use below contact for technical support.
Bartels Media GmbH
Fleischstrasse 17
54290 Trier
+49-(0)651-99919-50 (NO TECHNICAL SUPPORT!)
General Manager: Gunnar Bartels
Trade Register: Local Court Wittlich (Germany) HRB 40726
VAT ID: DE260566756
- Microsoft®, Outlook®, Excel®, OneDrive®, OneNote®, Office 365(tm), .NET®, Access®, ActiveDirectory®, ActiveX®, Aero®, Segoe®, Bing®, Windows®, Intellimouse®, Skype®, SQL Server®, Internet Explorer®, are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
- Apple®, Aqua®, Bonjour®, iPad®, iPad Air®, iPad mini, iPad Pro®, iPhone®, iTunes®, Mac®, MacBook®, Macintosh®, Mac OS®, QuickTime®, Retina®, Safari®, Siri®, TestFlight®, Time Machine®, TrueType®, App Store (sm), Apple Store®, iCloud®, iTunes Store®, are either registered trademarks or trademarks or service marks of Apple Corporation in the United States and/or other countries (more info).
- "PhraseExpress" and "Phrase Express" are registered trademarks of Bartels Media.
We thank the makers of following work which we use on our website:
- Processwire - CMS
- Bootstrap - Website framework
- Jquery - Javascript framework
- Nothing You Could Do - Webfont by Kimberly Geswein
- Font Awesome - Icon Font by Dave Gandy
- Icons8 - Icons
Photograph Images
- Goodluz/Shutterstock
- Vladislav Kochelaev/AdobeStock
- Brad Pict/AdobeStock
- Fabian Faber/AdobeStock
- VERSUSstudio/AdobeStock
- Swapan/AdobeStock
- mpfphotography/AdobeStock
- MonkeyBusinessImages/Shutterstock
- SydaProductions/AdobeStock
- Demidandang/AdobeStock
Please let us know if we accidentally missed anyone in this list.